老師認為一旦中部的縣市鄉鎮沒有發展像是六輕或高科技產業的進駐,台北與高雄這兩個大吸鐵會導致人們移往這兩個核心地帶,所以中部的縣市鄉鎮可能會被邊緣化甚至消失。Professor Stone Shih, a specialist in urban sociology at Taipei's Soochow University, fears poorer areas - such as Yunlin and Changhua counties - could suffer as people migrate towards what he calls extended metropolitan areas.
"Taipei and Kaohsiung are like magnets... pulling people towards the two cores," he said.
"People can't find good jobs, good leisure facilities in smaller, local areas. They'll push to move near the cores.
"If these areas can't build a local character industry to pull some people in, I fear they will die," he warned.